Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

April 19, 2005

7:00 PM



Location:         Regional Office, Grand Falls/Windsor




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                                Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Terry Brown                                                          Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                         Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Gerald Hounsell                                                      Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Randy Edison                                                         Mr. Shawn Brace

Ms. Linda Cutler

Ms. Lisa Wheeler




Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Ms. Carolyn Andrews


1.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated with the following addition: 

                        Teacher Allocations.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1        Regular Meeting – March 17, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the March 17, 2005 Meeting as circulated. (Hounsell/Pritchett).  Carried


2.2        Special Meeting April 7, 2005


Motion:            to accept the Minutes of the April 7, 2005 Meeting as circulated.  (Hounsell/Wheeler).  Carried.


3.         Business Arising


3.1        Meetings with Towns/Individuals Re District Restructuring (Edison)


Mr. Edison expressed concerns about calls which he has received from the Mayor of Triton suggesting that district office personnel have not returned the mayor’s telephone calls.  Mr. McCormack advised that the Director did return the call but the Mayor of Triton was not available and he left a voice message with Sandy Winsor, Town Clerk.


Mr. Pritchett expressed concern related to the short time frame given to communities to respond to the restructuring plan.


Mr. Edison suggested that board officials contact the three school councils of the Green Bay South area to discuss their concerns and to inform them that the Director will visit the area on his arrival back to the district.


Mr. Edison expressed his displeasure that board members had not been informed of school staff allocations prior to the release to schools.


Mr. Edison also questioned the appeal process and was informed by the Acting Director that the schools can inform the district of needs which they have that they would like to have considered.


3.2        Statement of Guiding Principles for Staff Personnel was presented.


Motion:            to accept Policies 400, 401 and 402 as presented.  (Edison/T. Brown).  Carried.


4.         Reports


            4.1        Finance-Property Committee (Scott Pritchett)


Carmanville School Complex


Although we are still working for a September opening, recent delays in the current tender closing would suggest that the September opening may not be possible.


The Assistant Deputy Minister for Corporate Services at the Department of Education has indicated that a December opening is more realistic.


                        Capital Approvals – Envelope Issues


Mr. Pritchett reported that the EIC has appointed consultants to review the following projects and develop budget estimates for each.


Lewisporte Academy – window replacement

Leading tickles elementary – window replacement

Point Leamington Academy – windows/siding

Indian River High School – roofing

Glovertown Academy

Green Bay South Academy – roofing partial repair required

St. Paul’s Intermediate – roof inspection and associated roofing work

Gander Academy – windows/siding

Cottrell’s Cove Academy – replace wooden frame windows


Coaker Academy


The issue of the liability for the underground oil storage tank has still not been resolved. We have two verbal legal opinions that suggest the board could be held liable at some time in the future even if it transfers ownership of this property.  The Assistant Director – Finance has requested a written legal opinion from Stewart McKelvy Sterling Scales on this matter.


            Interim Budget Review


The interim review of January 31, 2005 suggested that there would be a projected deficit of approximately $160,000.  This figure essentially represents a higher than expected deficit for the former District 5 and some problems in our administration budget.


In March, the board received additional unanticipated revenue from the Department of Education in the area of salaries and uncollectible account receivables.


In view of the above, it was decided that the district would not do any further budget revisions.


There was also a further discussion on the administrative component of our operating grant.  It appears that the additional funding of $200,000 will not be included in next year’s allocation.  This will have a substantial negative affect on our operating as we are currently still struggling to meet our obligations in the area of our administrative salaries.


            Accounting Software Update


The Finance and Property Committee is examining a new software program for the accounting division. 


Our current accounting software does not meet our needs, as a result of the large district, in the area of budgeting, purchasing, human resources, fixed assets and accounts receivable.


We are evaluating a proposal that will address our needs in the above areas.  The new software will also streamline and automate a number of processes that are currently causing us problems in meeting our deadlines.



4.2        Progam-Personnel Committee (Carolyn Andrews)


Randy Edison reported in the absence of Carolyn Andrews.


The next meeting of the Teacher-Liaison Committee was discussed.  The NLTA representatives will develop the next agenda.


An update of the Drama Festival was given.


The merging of the former district policies in the area of Safe, Caring and Healthy Schools was discussed.  Mr. Edison pointed out that the Newfoundland & Labrador Medical Association is very supportive of the active schools project and a member from the association may be interested in attending a meeting of the Safe and Caring Schools Committee.


4.3        NLSBA News (Bill Sceviour)


This organization remains in existence.  Conflict and/or differences of opinion are ongoing regarding the need for NLSBA to have a staff member who would be responsible for Human Resource issues.  The Western Board would like to have such a person and the Eastern Board does not.


School Board elections have been set for September 27, 2005.


NLSBA will coordinate a public relations campaign to inform the public of the process and to encourage individuals to put themselves forward.


4.4        Governance-system Review Committee (Terry Brown)


The Chair of the Committee reported that it has completed its mandate and believes its five year plan is appropriate given the declining enrolments which are occurring in the district.


Motion:                        to accept the report as circulated.  (Brown/Pritchett).  Carried.


5.         Correspondence


The Chair reported that two packages had been sent to the Minister regarding staffing allocations from Millcrest Academy and Bay d’Espoir Academy.  Packages were also sent to specific Senior Management members and the Chair of the Board from Bay d’Espoir Academy.


The Chair has also received letters from individuals in the community of Burlington regarding proposed changes to MW Jeans Academy.


6.         New Business


            6.1        Reaction to the 5-year Restructuring Plan


Mr. T. Brown reported on the meeting held at Grand Falls/Windsor on Wednesday April 13th attended by the Director, Mr. Randell Mercer and Mr. Brown.


Mr. Brown presented a letter forwarded to him by a group of parents asking that the Maple Division (proposed Exploits Valley Intermediate) be delayed until the renovations can be completed.


Mr. Hounsell asked the procedure to be followed if a school council or group wanted to present to the board.  The Chair informed the Board that a written request would be appropriate.


Mr. Hounsell discussed a letter from a group of parents in Charlottetown.  The lack of a cafeteria was voiced as a concern.  The drive to Glovertown was also mentioned.


7.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on May 17, 2005 at Gander Office.


8.         Adjournment


The meeting adjourned at 9:45 PM.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried




_________________________                                              ________________________

William Sceviour                                                           Marina Hewlett

Chair                                                                            Recorder

